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Ekim 2020

Distribution of technical products


Distribution of technical products The sale of technical products follows its own rules. In most cases, these goods are innovative products and services which require a relatively high level of explanation. Such aspects are also relevant when it comes to acquiring new customers, as this requires more time or a more effective approach. A well [...]

Distribution of technical products2020-10-05T12:54:47+02:00

Industry 5.0 – The return of the human touch


"Smart Factory" and the Internet of Things, in which objects are networked and communicate digitally with each other, has long been in full swing. At the same time, a new trend is emerging to give production a more human touch again. We are talking about "Industry 5.0" or the collaborating industry. This renaissance of human [...]

Industry 5.0 – The return of the human touch2020-10-05T12:47:59+02:00

Sales and marketing belong together!


Sales and marketing belong together! Sales and marketing both pursue the same goal: safeguarding the company and growth of the company. Sales is a direct process in which the salesperson talks to the customer and steers him or her towards a purchase. This can be done in person, by phone or via a digital communication medium [...]

Sales and marketing belong together!2020-10-05T12:45:45+02:00

Technologiepark 13
D-33100 Paderborn
Fon +49 (0)5251 / 184 36 80
Fax +49 (0) 52 51 / 184 36 81

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